Optimize Your Hormones, Feel Your Best

Sabra Cawby- Functional Hormone Specialist

Do you ever feel like something's amiss, but can't pinpoint the cause? You're not yourself – low energy, sleep issues, brain fog, and maybe even anxiety or depression. You've seen your doctor, had labs done, and received the dreaded "everything looks normal." I hear you – that's incredibly frustrating!

Trust Your Body's Signals: "Normal" Labs Don't Always Mean Optimal Health

You know your body best. If something feels off, even if standard lab tests come back "normal," there's a good reason you're feeling this way. Don't give up on finding answers! Often, the root cause of seemingly unrelated symptoms lies in hormonal imbalances. We can help you get to the bottom of it and find solutions that truly address your well-being.

Uncover Your Hormone Harmony: Solutions Beyond "Normal"

I'm a Certified Functional Hormone Specialist, helping women unlock the power of their hormones for optimal health. Ever feel stuck, doing all the right things (clean eating, consistent exercise) but weight loss remains elusive? We can dig deeper! Hormonal imbalances can be the root cause of a surprising range of issues, including infertility, PCOS, anxiety, depression, insomnia, gut problems, and more.

Hormones are powerful messengers, but when out of balance, they can create dysfunction. Let's listen to what your body is telling you! I can help you:

  • Uncover hidden hormonal imbalances that may be hindering your progress.

  • Address the root cause of your concerns, not just the symptoms.

  • Develop a personalized plan to restore hormonal balance and achieve your health goals.

Feeling your best starts with understanding your hormones. Let's take this journey together!

Types of Testing and Pricing

  • GI Map Testing

  • Mold Testing

  • Functional Lab Testing

  • DUTCH Hormone and Cortisol Testing

  • Many others available depending on your case

Functional Hormone Consults with labs start at $150, this includes an initial consult call to discuss your medical history and concerns, functional lab testing and a review of lab results. Personalized treatment plans with nutritional and supplement recommendations begin at $100 per month with continued support and adjustments as needed. Prices for testing vary by test and costs will be discussed during your consult. Not sure what you need? Send me an email with your questions!